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|&lt;key_a&gt; = SDLK_* key symbol for up/left movement. &lt;key_b&gt; = SDLK_* key symbol for down/right movement.  The strength of these movements can be modulated with the Left-Shift and Left-Control keys.
|&lt;key_a&gt; = SDLK_* key symbol for up/left movement. &lt;key_b&gt; = SDLK_* key symbol for down/right movement.  The strength of these movements can be modulated with the Right-Shift and Right-Control keys.

Latest revision as of 23:22, 6 October 2020

Mupen64Plus v2.0 API

Plugin Parameters

These are standard parameters which are used by the Mupen64Plus plugins. The behavior of the plugin library when these parameters are changed while the emulator is running is not defined here. Some plugins will load the parameters when starting and store internal copies of the parameters for use during emulation. Other plugins may read the value of the parameters while running.


Parameter Name Type Usage
Version M64TYPE_FLOAT Mupen64Plus Audio SDL config parameter set version number. Please don't change.
DEFAULT_FREQUENCY M64TYPE_INT Frequency which is used if rom doesn't want to change it
SWAP_CHANNELS M64TYPE_BOOL Swaps left and right channels
PRIMARY_BUFFER_SIZE M64TYPE_INT Size of primary buffer in output samples. This is where audio is loaded after it's extracted from n64's memory.
PRIMARY_BUFFER_TARGET M64TYPE_INT Fullness level target for Primary audio buffer, in equivalent output samples.
SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE M64TYPE_INT Size of secondary buffer in samples. This is SDL's hardware buffer.
RESAMPLE M64TYPE_STRING Audio resampling algorithm. "trivial" for fastest, lowest-quality algorithm. If compiled with SPEEX support, this can be "speex-fixed-0" to "speex-fixed-10". If compiled with libsrc support, this can be "src-sinc-best-quality", "src-sinc-medium-quality", "src-sinc-fastest", "src-zero-order-hold", or "src-linear".
VOLUME_CONTROL_TYPE M64TYPE_INT Volume control type: 1 = SDL (only affects Mupen64Plus output) 2 = OSS mixer (adjusts master PC volume)
VOLUME_ADJUST M64TYPE_INT Percentage change each time the volume is increased or decreased
VOLUME_DEFAULT M64TYPE_INT Default volume when a game is started. Only used if VOLUME_CONTROL_TYPE is 1


Parameter Name Type Usage
Fullscreen M64TYPE_BOOL Use fullscreen mode if True, or windowed mode if False
ScreenWidth M64TYPE_INT Width of output window or fullscreen width
ScreenHeight M64TYPE_INT Height of output window or fullscreen height


Parameter Name Type Usage
FrameBufferSetting M64TYPE_INT Frame Buffer Emulation (0=ROM default, 1=disable)
FrameBufferWriteBackControl M64TYPE_INT Frequency to write back the frame buffer (0=every frame, 1=every other frame, etc)
RenderToTexture M64TYPE_INT Render-to-texture emulation (0=none, 1=ignore, 2=normal, 3=write back, 4=write back and reload)
ScreenUpdateSetting M64TYPE_INT Control when the screen will be updated (0=ROM default, 1=VI origin update, 2=VI origin change, 3=CI change, 4=first CI change, 5=first primitive draw, 6=before screen clear, 7=after screen drawn)
NormalAlphaBlender M64TYPE_BOOL Force to use normal alpha blender
FastTextureLoading M64TYPE_BOOL Use a faster algorithm to speed up texture loading and CRC computation (may break hi-res texture loading)
AccurateTextureMapping M64TYPE_BOOL Use different texture coordinate clamping code
InN64Resolution M64TYPE_BOOL Force emulated frame buffers to be in N64 native resolution
SaveVRAM M64TYPE_BOOL Try to reduce Video RAM usage (should never be used)
DoubleSizeForSmallTxtrBuf M64TYPE_BOOL Enable this option to have better render-to-texture quality
DefaultCombinerDisable M64TYPE_BOOL Force to use normal color combiner
EnableHacks M64TYPE_BOOL Enable game-specific settings from INI file
EnableFog M64TYPE_BOOL Enable or disable fog generation
WinFrameMode M64TYPE_BOOL If enabled, graphics will be drawn in WinFrame mode instead of solid and texture mode
FullTMEMEmulation M64TYPE_BOOL N64 Texture Memory Full Emulation (may fix some games, may break others)
OpenGLVertexClipper M64TYPE_BOOL Enable vertex clipper for fog operations
EnableSSE M64TYPE_BOOL Enable SSE optimizations for capable CPUs
EnableVertexShader M64TYPE_BOOL Use GPU vertex shader
SkipFrame M64TYPE_BOOL If this option is enabled, the plugin will skip every other frame
TexRectOnly M64TYPE_BOOL If enabled, texture enhancement will be done only for TxtRect ucode
SmallTextureOnly M64TYPE_BOOL If enabled, texture enhancement will be done only for textures width+height<=128
LoadHiResTextures M64TYPE_BOOL Enable hi-resolution texture file loading
LoadHiResCRCOnly M64TYPE_BOOL Filter hi-resolution texture filenames based only on the CRC and ignore format+size tags (Glide64 compatibility)
DumpTexturesToFiles M64TYPE_BOOL Enable texture dumping
ShowFPS M64TYPE_BOOL Display On-screen FPS
FogMethod M64TYPE_INT Enable, Disable or Force fog generation (0=Disable, 1=Enable n64 choose, 2=Force Fog)
Mipmapping M64TYPE_INT Use Mipmapping? 0=no, 1=nearest, 2=bilinear, 3=trilinear
MultiSampling M64TYPE_INT Enable/Disable MultiSampling (0=off, 2,4,8,16=quality)
TextureEnhancement M64TYPE_INT Primary texture filter (0=None, 1=2X, 2=2XSAI, 3=HQ2X, 4=LQ2X, 5=HQ4X, 6=Sharpen, 7=Sharpen More, 8=External, 9=Mirrored)
TextureEnhancementControl M64TYPE_INT Secondary texture filter (0 = none, 1-4 = filtered)
ForceTextureFilter M64TYPE_INT Force to use texture filtering or not (0=auto: n64 choose, 1=force no filtering, 2=force filtering)
TextureQuality M64TYPE_INT Color bit depth to use for textures (0=default, 1=32 bits, 2=16 bits
OpenGLDepthBufferSetting M64TYPE_INT Z-buffer depth (only 16 or 32)
ColorQuality M64TYPE_INT Color bit depth for rendering window (0=32 bits, 1=16 bits)
OpenGLRenderSetting M64TYPE_INT OpenGL rendering level to support (0=auto, 1=OGL_1.1, 2=OGL_1.2, 3=OGL_1.3, 4=OGL_1.4, 5=OGL_1.4_V2, 6=OGL_TNT2, 7=NVIDIA_OGL, 8=OGL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM)
AnisotropicFiltering M64TYPE_INT Enable/Disable Anisotropic Filtering for Mipmapping (0=no filtering, 2-16=quality). This is uneffective if EnableMipmapping is false. If the given value is to high to be supported by your graphic card, the value will be the highest value your graphic card can support. Better result with Trilinear filtering
ForcePolygonOffset M64TYPE_BOOL If true, use polygon offset values specified below (default=False). This can be used to eliminate stitching artifacts in textures and shadows, which are typically only a problem in mobile/embedded platforms (e.g. Android), where chipsets are inconsistent in their implementation of glPolygonOffset.
PolygonOffsetFactor M64TYPE_FLOAT Specifies a scale factor that is used to create a variable depth offset for each polygon. Ignored if ForcePolygonOffset is False, and typically only relevant for mobile/embedded platforms. This value is typically equal to PolygonOffsetUnits, and is found through trial and error. Mario's shadow in Super Mario 64 is a good test case when tuning this value. If the shadow flickers, use a larger magnitude for the float settings. Do not use a larger value than necessary to eliminate artifacts. As a guideline, typical values for mobile chipsets circa 2012-2014 are positive or negative values in the range 0.001 to 2.
PolygonOffsetUnits M64TYPE_FLOAT Is multiplied by an implementation-specific value to create a constant depth offset. Ignored if ForcePolygonOffset is False, and typically only relevant for mobile/embedded platforms. This value is typically equal to PolygonOffsetFactor, and is found through trial and error. Mario's shadow in Super Mario 64 is a good test case when tuning this value. If the shadow flickers, use a larger magnitude for the float settings. Do not use a larger value than necessary to eliminate artifacts. As a guideline, typical values for mobile chipsets circa 2012-2014 are positive or negative values in the range 0.001 to 2.


The Mupen64Plus-Input-SDL plugin uses a separate config section for each simulated N64 controller. The sections are named: Input-SDL-Control1, Input-SDL-Control2, Input-SDL-Control3, and Input-SDL-Control4. The 4 sections all contain the same parameters.

General-purpose Controller Configuration Parameters

Parameter Name Type Usage
version M64TYPE_FLOAT Mupen64Plus Input-SDL config parameter set version number. Please don't change.
mode M64TYPE_INT Controller configuration mode: 0=Fully Manual, 1=Auto with named SDL Device, 2=Fully automatic
device M64TYPE_INT Specifies which joystick is bound to this controller: -1=No joystick, 0 or more= SDL Joystick number
name M64TYPE_STRING SDL joystick name (or Keyboard)
plugged M64TYPE_BOOL Specifies whether this controller is 'plugged in' to the simulated N64
plugin M64TYPE_INT Specifies which type of expansion pak is in the controller: 1=None, 2=Mem pak, 5=Rumble pak
mouse M64TYPE_BOOL If True, then mouse buttons may be used with this controller, and mouse movement will map to X/Y analog stick
MouseSensitivity M64TYPE_STRING The sensitivity coefficients for the mouse to move the N64 controller axis value from 0. For X, Y axes. Values must be positive.
AnalogDeadzone M64TYPE_STRING The minimum absolute value of the SDL analog joystick axis to move the N64 controller axis value from 0. For X, Y axes.
AnalogPeak M64TYPE_STRING An absolute value of the SDL joystick axis >= AnalogPeak will saturate the N64 controller axis value (at 80). For X, Y axes. For each axis, this must be greater than the corresponding AnalogDeadzone value

Digital Controller Configuration These parameters are used to bind input events with N64 Controller button presses. There are 14 simulated buttons and 2 special buttons for switching between the Mem Pak and Rumble Pak expansion units. Each configuration parameter is a string which specifies input events which will map to the given N64 button. The configuration strings consist of zero or more input event words. A list of available input event words is given here:

Input Event Word Usage
key(<keysym>) <keysym> = SDLK_* key symbol enumerated type
button(<num>) <num> = SDL Joystick Button Number (0 or greater)
axis(<num><dir>) <num> = SDL Joystick Axis Number, <dir> = axis direction (+ = positive, - = negative)
axis(<num><dir>,<deadzone>) <num> = SDL Joystick Axis Number, <dir> = axis direction (+ = positive, - = negative), <deadzone> = minimum axis value (max 32767) to activate button; default 6000
hat(<num> <dir>) <num> = SDL Joystick Hat Number, <dir> = hat direction (Up, Down, Left, or Right)
mouse(<num>) <num> = mouse button number (1 = left button, 2 = middle, 3 = right, etc)

Parameter Name Type Usage
DPad R M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Right button on the D-pad
DPad L M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Left button on the D-pad
DPad D M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Down button on the D-pad
DPad U M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Up button on the D-pad
Start M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Start button
Z Trig M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Z trigger
B Button M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the "B" button
A Button M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the "A" button
C Button R M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Right "C" button
C Button L M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Left "C" button
C Button D M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Down "C" button
C Button U M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Up "C" button
R Trig M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Right trigger
L Trig M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Left trigger
Mempak switch M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for toggling the Memory Pak unit
Rumblepak switch M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for toggling the Rumble Pak unit

Analog Controller Configuration These parameters are used to bind input events with N64 Controller analog stick movements. There are only 2 analog stick axes, X and Y. Each configuration parameter is a string which specifies input events which will map to the given N64 controller axis movement. The configuration strings consist of zero or more input event words. A list of available input event words is given here:

Input Event Word Usage
key(<key_a>,<key_b>) <key_a> = SDLK_* key symbol for up/left movement. <key_b> = SDLK_* key symbol for down/right movement. The strength of these movements can be modulated with the Right-Shift and Right-Control keys.
button(<num_a>,<num_b>) <num_a> = SDL Joystick Button Number for up/left movement. <num_b> = SDL Joystick Button Number for down/right movement.
axis(<num_a><dir_a>,<num_b><dir_b>) <num_a> = SDL Joystick Axis Number for up/left movement, <dir_a> = axis direction for up/left movement (+ = positive, - = negative). <num_b> = SDL Joystick Axis Number for down/right movement, <dir_b> = axis direction for down/right movement.
hat(<num> <dir_a> <dir_b>) <num> = SDL Joystick Hat Number, <dir_a> = hat direction for up/left movement (Up, Down, Left, or Right), <dir_b> = hat direction for right/down movement

Parameter Name Type Usage
Y Axis M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the Y axis (up/down) of the analog stick
X Axis M64TYPE_STRING Input event string for mapping the X axis (left/right) of the analog stick